Non-Invasive Cardiology and Internal Medicine

Also specializing in Non-Invasive Cardiology, Anti-Aging, and Weight Loss Services

Non-Invasive Cardiology & Internal Medicine

Helping You Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle


Providing Patient-Centered Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care

Achieve optimal health by consulting with our medical practitioner, James B. DeStephens, MD in Gainesville, Florida. Our practice focuses on internal medicine, non-invasive cardiology, anti-aging, and weight loss.

Highly Experienced Doctor With Various Specializations

Because Dr. DeStephens values the welfare of every patient, he ensures we provide quality care in our one-on-one consultations. He is an internal medicine specialist, non-invasive cardiologist, rapid weight loss doctor, and anti-aging and aesthetic practitioner.


Educational Background


BA Biology, 1973
The Ohio State University

Medical School:

Medical College of Ohio at Toledo


Internal Medicine, Board-Certified 1980
Medical College of Ohio at Toledo



  • Chief of Medicine and Cardiology
  • U.S. Army Medical Department Activity (MEDDAC)
  • Fort Wainwright, Alaska, 1980-1983
  • Internal and Anti-Aging Medicine, Non-Invasive Cardiology
  • Gainesville, Florida, 1984-Present

Let’s Discuss Your Treatment Needs

Our highly experienced doctor is always prepared to address your medical needs. Schedule an appointment today.
